Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Kids Rule!

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Mark 10:13-16

TO CHEW ON: “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” - Mark 10:14

Circle what you think Jesus was like: kind? gruff? liked kids? impatient? funny? mean? happy?

At different times Jesus reacted in different ways. But we know He loved kids.

"The Little Children and Jesus" - Artist unknown"The Little Children and Jesus" - Artist unknown

When He found out the disciples were scolding people for bringing children to get His blessing, He was not pleased.

"Jesus receives children" - Artist unknown"Jesus receives children" - Artist unknown

Jesus said adults need to be childlike in the way they welcome God into their lives. What things could adults learn from children?

The Growing-Up ABCs (You might want to print this page to do this activity.)

In front of the following statements, write A if it would be true of an Adult; B if it would be true of a Baby and C if it would be true of a Child (some may have more than one letter).

1. ____ Needs to be fed and carried.
2. ____ Loves to run and play.
3. ____ Learns to read.
4. ____ Goes to work to support a family.
5. ____ A ball or a rattle makes him smile or laugh.
6. ____ Likes to jump into a parent’s arms.
7. ____ Gets up at night when a child cries.
8. ____ Goes shopping for groceries.
9. ____ Attends school.
10. ____ Waits for someone to prepare food.
11. ____ Makes meals.
12. ____ Drives a car.
13. ____ Worries about losing a job.
14. ____ Wears a diaper.

Cross out all the statements that have only an A in front of them.
Of the statements you marked with a B and/or a C :
  • Underline in RED the ones that show babies and children are TRUSTING.
  • Underline in BLUE the ones that show babies and children are DEPENDENT.
  • Underline in GREEN the ones that show babies and children are PLAYFUL.
  • Underline in ORANGE the ones that show babies and children are LEARNING.
(some may have two or more lines)

Jesus loves children. We are all like children to Him. No matter what our age, He wants us to keep coming to Him like trusting, dependent, playful and learning children.

PRAYER: Dear God, please help me always to trust You, depend on You, enjoy You and learn about You. Amen.

SUPERSIZE IT: Favorite Place

Draw a picture of your favorite kid-type place to go.


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Adult readers - DAILY DEVOTIONS FOR ADULTS  are available too at Other Food: daily devo's

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