Tuesday, February 28, 2017


TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 23:20-33

TO CHEW ON: " Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span." Exodus 23:25,26

What things scare you:
- Walking alone in the dark?
- Changing schools?
- Trying something for the first time (diving, horseback riding, snowboarding)?
- _____________________________

It’s easy to be frightened when we don’t feel safe, or when we don’t know anyone, or when we’re trying something for the first time, or a lot of other reasons.

The Israelites had every reason to be afraid. They had gone from living in one spot to moving nearly every day. They went from being safe in Egypt to being easy prey to fierce desert tribes. They went from always knowing where they would find their next drink and meal to having to trust God for all these things.

A. God saw the fear inside them. He answered it with a whole lot of promises. Cross out the one thing, below, that He didn’t promise in TODAY'S SPECIAL reading.
God said he would:
1. send His angel to show them the way to go.
2. bless their food and water so they wouldn’t get sick.
3. give them a full life span.
4. make their enemies afraid of them.
5. give them a home in a new land.
6. drive enemies out in one day.

"The Giving of Manna" - Artist unknown
"The Giving of Manna" - Artist unknown
B. But in order for God to keep this promise, the Israelites needed to do something. What was it? (Exodus 23:24, 25)

God can take care of us just like He did the Israelites. But we also need to worship Him. That means respect Him, pray to Him, trust Him, and live the way He tells us to.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You that You care for me in every situation. Amen.

young girl with backwards orange baseball hat
MORE: When Fear is at the Door
Next time fear thoughts come to call, answer them with these words:

"When I am afraid I will trust in you. " (Psalm 56:3)

Remind yourself of these words often by memorizing them, writing them on a poster, banner or note to yourself. Put it up on the bulletin board, mirror or other place in your room where you’re sure to see it often.



Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Instruction Manual

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 20:1-17

TO CHEW ON: "And God spoke all these words..." Exodus 20:1

Suppose you got a new wristwatch. The advertising on the package says it can not only tell the time but it’s also an alarm clock and a stopwatch.

You take it out of the package. You put it on your wrist. But when you look at it a few minutes later, it isn’t even showing the right time, let alone doing all that other stuff. What do you need to do to get it working?

a. Push and press the stem and buttons to see if you can get it to work.
b. Talk to the watch, telling it what you want it to do.
c. Read the manual, then follow the instructions on how to set and use it.

Just like we need to read manuals (c.) to find out how to use our tools and gadgets, we also need a manual to tell us the best way to live. God has given us this manual in the Bible. One of the important places in the Bible where God clearly tells us how to live is in the Ten Commandments.

When God came down on Mt. Sinai, the people had to stay back. But God told Moses to climb the mountain and come close to Him. Then He told Moses ten rules for living. We call those rules the Ten Commandments. We still follow them today.

God gives Moses the Law - Artist unknown
God gives Moses the Law - Artist unknown
Using the Bible references, write the Ten Commandments in your own words below:
1. Exodus 20:3
2. Exodus 20:4
3. Exodus 20:7
4. Exodus 20:8
5. Exodus 20:12
6. Exodus 20:13
7. Exodus 20:14
8. Exodus 20:15
9. Exodus 20:16
10. Exodus 20:17

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You that You know how we work best and tell us how to live so we can be happy. Thank You for these rules for living. Amen.

MORE: The Top Ten
Review God’s top ten rules for living. Which do you find the hardest to obey? Why?


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Fearful Otherness of God

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 19:16-25

TO CHEW ON: "On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain." Exodus 19:16,17

Who is the person you would most like to meet in the world?
Suppose you knew you were going to meet this person. What are some things you would do to get ready?

The day Moses and the people got to Mount Sinai in the Sinai Desert, God called Moses to meet with Him on the mountain. There He told Moses He Himself would come down and meet the people in three days. But first they had to get ready. They must wash their clothes and put a fence around the bottom of the mountain.

If you met the person you most wanted to meet, what are some of the things you might see?

limousine, flowers, police guards, red carpet, cheering fans, bands, parades

I wonder what the Israelites expected to see when they knew they would meet God. Perhaps they thought He might look like a fierce animal – a dragon or lion. Or perhaps they thought He would look like a royal king.

Finally it was the morning of the day God would appear. (Exodus 19:16-20)
1. What did the people hear?
2. What did they see?
3. How did they feel?

"The Giving of the Law Upon Mt. Sinai" by Gustave Dore
"The Giving of the Law Upon Mt. Sinai" by Gustave Dore
When God showed Himself, He was awesome, powerful and fearful. He was so bright, smoke had to shield His glory from their eyes. He was so holy, the people couldn’t touch the mountain where His presence rested or they would die (that's why God had told them to build a fence). And even so He had only shown a small part of who He was.

PRAYER: God, You are holy, fearful and awesome. I worship you. Amen

MORE: When God comes
Several stories in the Bible tell of times when God came to people in different ways.

Read these Scriptures if you need help:
1 Samuel 3:1-11
Daniel 5:1-7
Acts 5:1-10



Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Taking Advice

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 18:13-27

TO CHEW ON: "Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said." Exodus 18:24

One day Moses got some important visitors. His father-in-law Jethro brought Moses’ wife and two sons to be with him. They had a wonderful family reunion and Moses told them the incredible story of how God brought them out of Egypt

The next day, Moses took Jethro to work with him. Continue telling the story by choosing the best ending:

1. Jethro saw that all day: (Exodus 18:13):
a] Moses gathered manna.
b] Moses made plans for traveling.
c] Moses judged the people.

2. He said to Moses: (Exodus 18:17):
a] “What you are doing is not good.”
b] “The way you do this is brilliant.”
c] “Why are you so lazy?”

3. Jethro had a better way for Moses to do all that judging. He told Moses, he should: (Exodus 18:20-22):
a] let people decide things for themselves.
b] train others to judge the easy cases and Moses would judge only the hard ones.
c] scold the people for being so quarrelsome.

"Jethro and Moses" by James Tissot
"Jethro and Moses" by James Tissot

4. When Moses heard Jethro’s advice he: (Exodus 18:24)
a] listened to it and did what Jethro said.
b] argued with Jethro about why he really needed to judge everyone.
c] was upset because Jethro had criticized him.

What do you think of Jethro’s advice? Can you think of other ways Moses’ problem could have been solved?

If even wise men like Moses can learn from the advice of others, we should do the same!

PRAYER: Dear God, help me to listen to the advice of parents, teachers and others who are wise. Amen.

MORE: Whose Advice?

Though asking for and taking advice is good, it’s also important to remember that we shouldn’t take the advice of just anyone.
Some things we can ask ourselves when choosing an adviser about a situation are:
1) does this person have special knowledge about this?
2) does this person have experience with this?
3) does this person care about me and have my interest at heart?
4) has this person given good advice in the past?

Whose advice would you ask for in these situations? Pick from the list of possible advisers at the bottom – or think of the name of someone you know.

1. You have bad stomach aches.
2. You can’t understand your math assignment.
3. There is a bully at school who constantly harasses you.
4. You want to know more about God.
5. Your friend is in trouble.

Doctor, Teacher, Pastor, Counselor, Parent, Grandparent, Friend, Sunday School teacher.


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Unseen Soldier

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 17:8-15

TO CHEW ON: "So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning." Exodus 17:10,11

As the dust clouds on the horizon got bigger, word spread through the camp: “Someone is coming!” Soon the Israelites could make out galloping camels and on their backs, desert nomads. It was the Amalekites. Did they come in peace or war? Before the men could get organized, the raiders reached the camp and attacked.

The Bible doesn’t tell us if the Amalekites came to kill people or to steal the stuff. But we do know that soon after this attack, Moses told Joshua to pick some men and go after those quarrelsome Amalekites.

While the men fought, Moses stood on a hill above the battle, watching and raising his hands as a prayer for God’s help. Soon he noticed an interesting thing. As long as his arms were up, the Israelites were winning. But as soon as his arms got tired and he put them down, the Amalekites were winning.

Moses on the mountain during the battle - James Tissot
"Moses on the mountain during the battle" - James Tissot
1. How did Moses solve the problem of keeping his arms up? (Ex. 17:12)
2. Who finally won the battle? (Exodus 17:13)
3. What two things did the Israelites need to win this battle?

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for helping us in our battles. Amen

MORE: Fighting Your Battles
Though you probably don’t fight enemies with swords on camels, like the Israelites did, I’m sure your battles are just as real.

- What battles do you fight?

- You too can win those battles with the two things the Israelites used: 1. Prayer and 2. Actions.

Next time you face a hard test at school, are having trouble with a bully, are trying out for the team – or whatever your ‘battle’ -- ask someone (parents, grandparents, friend, Sunday School teacher) to hold up their hands for you in prayer. Then go out with confidence to do what you need to do, and win your battle!



Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

grumble Grumble GRUMBLE

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 16:1-12

TO CHEW ON: "The Lord said to Moses, 'I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites. Tell them, ‘At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.’ ” - Exodus 16:11-12

Yesterday the Israelites grumbled about no water. Today they are grumbling about not enough food. In fact, they are in such a bad mood, they’re ready to go back to Egypt for just one of those great Egyptian meals!

God heard the people. He told Moses what He would do (Exodus 16:11,12): unscramble the words.
1. In the evening God would send (tmea) __________.
2. In the morning He would rain down (debar) __________.

Gathering manna - by James Tissot
Gathering manna by James Tissot
The bread God sent the Israelites every morning was called manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey (Exodus 16:31).

coriander seed
Coriander seed

Think about it:
3. What does it mean to grumble?

4. What do you think - did the Israelites grumble too much?
In what other ways could they have told Moses and God what they needed and wanted?

5. How do you get your food?
Is God involved in any way?

Of course you would never grumble about food, would you?

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for supplying my food. Amen.

MORE: A Food Prayer
A prayer of blessing and thanks for the food before or after we eat reminds us that it’s really God whom we should thank for our food.

1. A before- or after-meal prayer for food is called: __________ a] repentance; b] confession; c] grace; d] whining.

2. Write out your favorite food prayer – or make up a new one.

3. Learn some new table graces (mealtime prayers) at this web site.


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I need a drink

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 15:22-27

TO CHEW ON: " He said, 'If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.' ” Exodus 15:26

Think of a time you were very thirsty. What did it feel like? What did you want more than anything?

After the Egyptian army drowned in the Red Sea, Moses led the people into the desert. A desert is a dry place. It is often hot. As the people walked through the desert, they took sips from their water bottles. But soon all their water was gone. And they
found no water for three days!

Desert landscape

Walking anywhere for three days with little or no water is bad. But walking through the hot dry desert without water is scary. It’s no wonder when they got to a place with water, they went straight to it. A drink at last!

But no. The water tasted bitter. It probably isn’t even safe.

1.What did the people do after they taste the bitter water? (Exodus 15:24)
What do you think you would have done if you’d been there? Why?

2. What did Moses do? (Exodus 15:25)

3. What instructions did God give Moses to make the water drinkable? (Exodus 15:25)

Again God showed the Israelites that He could take care of them. Not only did He supply water, but He promised if they would obey Him, He would keep them from getting sick and would heal them.

Think of something you need. Just like God gave the Israelites what they needed – water and health – He can also supply the things you need. Talk to God instead of grumbling about it.

PRAYER: Dear God, one thing I need is _______. Help me to trust You for this. Amen
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

MORE: Water – Sweet!
Water is one of the most important substances on earth. Make a list all the ways you use water in a day.


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Amazing Escape

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 14:15-31

TO CHEW ON: "And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant." Exodus 14:31

Even after God spoke to him, Moses kept crying to God for help. Finally God interrupted Moses’ frantic prayer. “Stop praying,” God said. “Get busy. Here’s my plan.”

The waters are divided by James Tissot
The waters are divided by James Tissot
Read the story in Exodus 14:15-31, then cross out the three things, below, that did not happen:

1. Moses stretched out his staff toward the sea.
2. The cloud came between the Israelites and the Egyptian army.
3. The Egyptians bothered the Israelites all night.
4. An east wind turned the sea into dry land.
5. The Israelites waded through the sea in waist-deep water.
6. The Israelites walked across the sea on dry ground.
7. The Egyptian army followed the Israelites into the sea.
8. The Egyptian army became confused.
9. When Moses gave the signal, the sea rushed back into place.
10. Some of the Egyptians got across in canoes.
11. The whole Egyptian army drowned in the sea that day.

The Egyptians are destroyed - by James Tissot
The Egyptians are destroyed by James Tissot
What an amazing escape! And with it, God did more than one thing. He not only freed the Israelites from slavery to the Egyptians. He also showed them He was a God to fear, respect, and trust.

PRAYER: You are a God who does miracles. Help me to trust You with my problems. Amen.

MORE: Tight spots "Who Am I?"
Many other Bible characters found themselves in tight spots. Put the correct person’s name in the blank. (Need help? Names and Bible story references are below).

1. An Angel helped me get out of prison. I am ______________

2. I prayed for rain after God sent me to tell the king three years of drought were over. I am ____________

3. I got very sick and the prophet told me I would die. Then I prayed and God gave me 15 more years to live. I am ______________

4. When the host ran out of wine at the wedding, people came to me for help. I am __________

5. When we were in jail God sent an earthquake, that loosened our chains. We are ___________

Jesus - John 2:1-10
Paul and Silas - Acts 16:22-28
Elijah - I Kings 18:1-2, 41-45
Hezekiah - 2 Kings 20:1-6
Peter - Acts 12:5-10


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Monday, February 20, 2017


TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 14:1-14

TO CHEW ON: "Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.' Exodus 14:13,14

After a few days of traveling in the desert, the Israelites’ excitement at being free started to wear thin. Even though they were no longer slaves, walking for miles every day under the hot sun wasn’t exactly easy either.

But one thing this crowd of about two million people didn’t need to worry about was getting lost. From the beginning God showed them the way. In the day He led them with a cloud. In the night that cloud lit up as if filled with fire. Whenever the cloud moved, the Israelites moved. When it stopped, they camped.

Israelites leaving Egypt - Artist unknown
Israelites leaving Egypt - Artist unknown
In a few days they found themselves camped in a dead end, between rocks, desert and the sea. But God had led them here, so it must be okay.

Meanwhile back in Egypt, Pharaoh couldn’t believe he let the Israelites go. What was he thinking? Such a huge crowd couldn’t move fast, though. They wouldn’t be far away. He would go after them and bring them back.

The Israelites were shocked when sand clouds turned into horses and chariots. “The Egyptians are coming!” they cried to Moses. “Why have you brought us here?”

How did Moses answer them (Exodus 14:14)? Choose the right answer.
1. Get your bows and arrows ready!
2. I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t hear God right.
3. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Could it be God had a plan?

But what could He possibly do? The Egyptian army was coming closer by the minute. There was no way out but to climb the rocks or dive into the water. It looked hopeless.

Figuring out what God’s plan was, was not what those people needed to do. Neither is it what we need to do when we’re in trouble. Rather, we need to trust God and do what He says.

PRAYER: Dear God, please help me to trust You, then obey and do what You tell me to do. Amen.

MORE: In a squeeze
1. Have you ever been in a tight spot? What happened?
2. Are you in such a spot now?
- What does this story show about God?
- What does this story show about people who trust in God?
- What can you do about the problem you’re in?

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Free at last

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 12:29-36

TO CHEW ON: "During the night Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, 'Up! Leave my people, you and the Israelites! Go, worship the Lord as you have requested.' ” Exodus 12:31

Imagine that first Passover night. Your family did exactly what Moses said. Your dad killed the lamb and painted its blood on the doorframe. Your Mom roasted the lamb’s meat. Then your family ate it with herbs and flat bread. For this meal you were dressed and ready to leave at a moment’s notice. But you weren’t allowed outside because God had said to stay in until morning.

Pharaoh commands Moses to leave Egypt - by James Tissot
Pharaoh commands Moses to leave Egypt - by James Tissot
Just after midnight the wailing from the Egyptians began. It woke you as it got louder, spreading from house to house. Soon there was crying everywhere – from the poorest servant’s shack to Pharaoh’s palace. For in every Egyptian house, including Pharaoh’s palace, the firstborn son had died.

Pharaoh sent for Moses. “Take your flocks and your families,” he shouted. “Take everything and get out!”

As the sun rose on a new day, your family packed. You packed your clothes, your pets, your toys, your dishes, your beds. You gathered all your animals. Then you and your family joined the noisy, happy parade of Israelites following Moses out of Egypt.

After all the times Pharaoh had said no, did you think it would ever happen? But it did because God promised.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for keeping Your promises. Amen.

MORE: Moving Day
Have you ever moved? Was your move across town, across the country or across the world?
- How would moving in our time be like the Israelites’ move?
- How would it be different?

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Life-saving Blood

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 12:21-28

TO CHEW ON: "When the Lord goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down." Exodus 12:23

As God had told Moses, Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites leave Egypt. Through frogs, gnats, flies, sick cattle, boils, hail, locusts and darkness, he didn’t budge. But God was not finished with him. God told Moses and Aaron what He would do next.

The first born son of every family in Egypt would die. It would happen at midnight.

But God would not kill anyone in the homes of the Israelites IF they followed His instructions. Solve the crossword using the Bible references and find out what God told each family to do.

Created with Puzzlemaker on DiscoveryEducation.com.
(Click on puzzle to enlarge and print)

- Each family was to take a (9 across - Exodus12:3).

- They were to kill it at (1 down - Exodus12:6).

- With (3 across - Exodus12:22) they were to paint the lamb’s blood on the (2 down [plural] Exodus12:22).

- Then they were to (6 across - Exodus12:9) the lamb and eat it with (10 across) and (5 down - Exodus12:8) with no yeast.

- They were to eat it in (8 across) and dressed ready to (7 down – Exodus 12:11).

- No one should leave the house until (4 across - Exodus12:22).

Painting blood on the doorframe
by James Tissot .

Painting blood on the doorframe - by James Tissot

That night God would visit Egypt. When He saw the lamb’s blood painted on the door frames of the house, He would pass it and no one inside would die.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for this story which reminds us of Jesus’ blood and how He died instead of us. Amen.

MORE: The meaning of it all.
What was this special sacrifice and meal called?

A. Notice the red boxes in the puzzle above? Write down the letters in each red box, then unscramble them to make the name God called this sacrifice and meal (Exodus 12:27)

B. Why was that a good name for it?


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Long Night

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 10:21-29

TO CHEW ON: Pharaoh said to Moses, “Get out of my sight! Make sure you do not appear before me again! The day you see my face you will die.”
 “Just as you say,” Moses replied. “I will never appear before you again.” Exodus 10:28,29

What is the darkest place you have ever been? Did you know that in complete darkness you can’t see the step in front of you or your fingers right in front of your eyes?

When Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go after everything that had happened (Nile water turned to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, sick cattle, boils, hailstones and locusts), God sent darkness.

Imagine sleeping all night but in the morning when it’s time to get up – no light! And then imagine only heavy darkness through a second day, and a third. The people began to panic. What if it always stayed dark? What if the sun never came out again?

The plague of Darkness by Gustave Dore
But, was it dark where the Israelites lived? ___________ (Exodus 10:23).

After three days Moses got this message, “Come to the palace. Pharaoh wants to talk.”

However, when Moses and Aaron came, Pharaoh wanted to make his own rules. “The people can go,” he said. “Even the children. But you must leave your animals here.”

“No way!” was Moses’ reply. “Not a hoof will be left behind.”

Pharaoh lost his temper. What did he shout at Moses and Aaron as they left? _______ (Exodus 10:28).

PRAYER: Dear God, You knew how to wear down Pharaoh. Thank You that You still know how to wear down the hearts of those who are Your enemies. Amen.

MORE: Amon-Ra
The plague of darkness would have been especially frightening to the Egyptian people and Pharaoh because they worshiped the sun as their most important god (Amon-Ra). They thought Pharaoh was this god in human form. Can you imagine how they felt when for three days the sun didn’t show up – and even Pharaoh, who was supposed to have a god's power, couldn’t do anything about it?


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Frogs, Gnats, Flies and a Hard Heart

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 2:20-32

TO CHEW ON: " And the Lord did what Moses asked. The flies left Pharaoh and his officials and his people; not a fly remained. But this time also Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people go." Exodus 8:31,32

Have you ever been caught in a plague of creatures or insects? Maybe the trees in your town were attacked by tent caterpillars. Or your home was invaded by ants. I heard of a city in India that was overrun with monkeys.

What was your plague?
How long did it last?
How did it end?

This is what happened to the Egyptians when Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites leave Egypt.

Nile river is turned to blood - by James Tissot
Nile river is turned to blood - by James Tissot
First Moses turned the Nile River into blood. Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go.

Then came the plague of frogs. Imagine frogs everywhere, jumping onto your bed, into your glass of milk, up your pant leg. Still Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go.

After the frogs came a plague of gnats. Though the Egyptian magicians could copy the rod-snake thing, turn water into blood and call out frogs, they were stopped at the gnats.

“This is God,” they said to Pharaoh.

But the gnats made no difference to Pharaoh. He wouldn't let the people go.

Then came the

Plague of flies

Swarms of them
in the air
on the chair
and the stair
in your hair

But the flies didn't change Pharaoh's mind either. After the first four plagues his heart was still hard. He refused to let the Israelites go.

PRAYER: Dear God, when we see Your power in the big and little things of nature, we are amazed. Amen.

MORE: What Next?!
When Pharaoh kept on being stubborn, God sent MORE PLAGUES!

Plague 5 – All Egyptian livestock (cattle, horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, camels) got sick and died. Read about it in Exodus 9:1-7

Fifth plague - Egyptian livestock die - Artist unknown
Fifth plague - Egyptian livestock die - Artist unknown
Plague 6 – Boils (pussy sores) on people and animals. Read about it in Exodus 9:8-12

Plague 7 – A thunder-lightning-hailstorm which flattened fields and stripped the trees. Read about it in Exodus 9:22-26

Plague 8 – Locusts (a grasshopper-type insect). They ate everything that was left after the storm. Read about it in Exodus 10:13-20

In spite of all these things Pharaoh still refused to let the Israelites go.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Round One

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 7:1-13

TO CHEW ON: Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and with mighty acts of judgment I will bring out my divisions, my people the Israelites. And the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring the Israelites out of it. Exodus 7:4b, 5

Suppose someone told you to do something but at the same time told you that you would fail? Wouldn’t you be tempted to ask what’s the use and then not do it?

This is what happened to Moses and Aaron. When God told them about talking to Pharaoh, He said He would harden Pharaoh’s heart. At first Pharaoh wouldn’t listen to Moses and Aaron.

But God also told Moses the end of the story. In the end God would judge the Egyptians for mistreating the Israelites. The Israelites would be allowed to leave Egypt.

Many things in life are the same way. We may not have friends on the first day at a new school, but if we keep being friendly, we will make new friends. We may not understand the math lesson the first time the teacher explains it, but if we keep trying, finally we’ll get it. Our soccer team may not win at first, but if we keep practicing, we will get better. The secret is to ask God for help with our problems, then trust Him and not give up.

PRAYER: Dear God, help me not to give up but to keep trusting You no matter how bad things look. Amen.

MORE: Snake Showdown

What happened when Moses and Aaron showed Pharaoh what God could do with a shepherd’s rod?

Pharaoh watches Moses turn a rod into a snake - Artist unknown
Pharaoh watches Moses turn a rod into a snake - Artist unknown
Choose the best answer (Check Exodus 7:10-13 if you need help)
1. When Aaron threw his rod down
a] it became blood
b] it became a snake
c] it became a frog

2. Pharaoh saw this and
a] ran away
b] listened to Moses
c] sent for his magicians.

3. When the Egyptian magicians turned their rods into snakes as well
a] all the snakes slithered into the Nile
b] Aaron’s snake swallowed the magicians’ snakes.
c] the magicians’ snakes swallowed Aaron’s snake.

4. After Pharaoh saw this he
a] still refused to listen.
b] fell on the ground, afraid.
c] told Moses and the Israelites to leave the land before sunset.


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Brick Brouhaha

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 5:1-23

TO CHEW ON: "Moses returned to the Lord and said, 'Why, Lord, have you brought trouble on this people? Is this why you sent me? Ever since I went to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has brought trouble on this people, and you have not rescued your people at all.'" Genesis 5:22,23

Moses hurried back to Egypt after God talked to him from the burning bush. Sure enough, on his way he met Aaron, just as God had said. When they got back to Egypt, they called a meeting of the Israelite leaders. Moses told them what God wanted him to do and showed them the signs God had given him. The leaders were overjoyed and worshiped God. Now they would no longer be slaves.


For when Moses and Aaron talked to Pharaoh, he laughed at them. “Who is the Lord that I should obey him and let Israel go?” he scoffed.

The Israelites were working for Pharaoh as slaves. They worked on his building projects. One of the things they had to do was make bricks for the Egyptian palaces, temples and pyramids.

Egyptian ruins
Egyptian ruins showing brick construction
Now Pharaoh made a new rule. Instead of giving the workers straw to make bricks, the Israelite slaves would have to find their own straw and still make as many bricks as before.

“No fair!” said their Israelite bosses. But when the workers could no longer make their daily quota of bricks, the Egyptian slave masters beat the bosses.

How do you think Moses felt then?

Often we think we know when and how God will answer our prayers. When He doesn’t answer as quickly and in the way we expect, we get discouraged and think we didn’t hear from God after all. But we shouldn’t give up so easily. We need to keep trusting God no matter what.

PRAYER: Dear God, help me to trust You and Your promises no matter how things look. Amen.

brick wall
Brick wall
MORE: Recipe for Bricks

What you need:
Mud from the Nile River
Straw, chopped in small pieces
Wood boxes - 15 inches x 7 inches x 4½ inches
Stamp of the Pharaoh or Pharaohess
Hot sun

What you do:
Moisten the mud with water.
Mix in the straw using a hoe to mix.
Place the mud-straw mixture in the boxes (which are brick molds)
Sign each brick by pressing Pharaoh’s stamp in the top.
Let the bricks sit in the hot sun until they are dry and hard.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Power Tools

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 4:1-17

TO CHEW ON: "He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if it were your mouth and as if you were God to him. But take this staff in your hand so you can perform miraculous signs with it." Exodus 4:16,17

Suppose you have these jobs. Which tool(s) would you pick to do each one?
Tools collage

1. empty water from a boat

2. plant a garden

3. cut grass

4. write a story

5. take a picture

6. cook dinner

7. paint a house

8. rake leaves

Obviously we need different tools for different jobs.

When God gave Moses the job of bringing the Israelites out of Egypt, He gave him tools for that job. These tools may have seemed surprising to Moses.

One tool was his staff. (or shepherd’s rod). What things did God tell Moses to do with this?
1] ______ (Exodus 4:3,4).

Another tool was Moses’ hand. What happened with it? 2] ____ (Exodus 4:6,7)

A third tool was water from the Nile River. What would happen when Moses poured it on the ground? 3] ____ (Exodus 4:9).

When Moses complained to God that he wasn’t good at speaking, God gave him one final tool. What (who) was it? 4] _____ (Exodus 4:14-17)

Though the tools God gave Moses were ordinary things, they became power tools when God energized them.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for giving us the tools we need to do the jobs You give us. Amen.

MORE: Our tools

God has a job for us too. We are to tell people about Jesus. We must tell everyone that He loves them, that He died to take the punishment for their sins, and that each person who trusts in Him is forgiven and becomes a child of God. God gives us power tools to do that job too.

What are these tools? Check the Bible references to find out.

1. Acts 1:8 __________________
2. Hebrews 4:12 ______________
3. Ephesians 6:1-4 ____________
4. Hebrews 10:24,25 __________


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Talking Bush

TODAY'S SPECIAL: Exodus 2:23-3:12

TO CHEW ON: "And God said, 'I will be with you.'" Exodus 3:12a

Moses got away from Pharaoh that day. He ran to the desert. There he lived with a nomad family. He lived with them for forty years. He tended sheep for the man, married one of the family’s daughters and had two sons.

I wonder what he thought about during those lonely hours when he was tending sheep. Perhaps he wished that he had the day he killed the Egyptian to live over again. Maybe he felt bad because now he was sure he would never help his people like he wanted to. He may have thought his life had been wasted.

Then one day while tending the sheep:
- What strange thing did he see? 1] (Exodus 3:2) _________________
- When he went to check it out, what did he hear? 2] (Exodus 3:4) ____________
- What did God tell him to do? 3] (Exodus 3:5) ______________
- Then what assignment did God give him? 4] (Exodus 3:10) ________
- When Moses said he couldn’t do this job, God gave him a promise. Put the words of God’s promise (below) in the right order: 5] ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

you  be  I   with   will

Dear God, thank You that when You give us a job to do, You promise to be with us. Amen.

Is that You God?

We don't need to be in church to hear from God. He talked to people in many places. Match the person with the place they heard God speak. Check your Bible if you're not sure.

1. Abraham (Genesis 18:1)

2. Jonah (Jonah 2:10-3:1)

3. Isaiah (Isaiah 6:4,5)

4. Jacob (Genesis 28:11-17)

5. King Belshazzar (Daniel 5:1-5, 22-28)

Where has God talked to you?


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

On the Run

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 2:11-15

TO CHEW ON: "The man said, 'Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?' Then Moses was afraid and thought, What I did must have become known." Exodus 2:14

Fast forward 40 years. Moses was all grown up. Though he was raised in the palace as a prince, deep inside he loved the Hebrew people – his people.

One day he saw an Egyptian slave master beating a fellow Hebrew. He looked around to make sure no one was watching.

Moses kills the Egyptian - Artist unknown
Moses kills the Egyptian - Artist unknown
Then he drew his sword, killed the Egyptian and buried him in the sand.

The next day he happened to be walking by when he saw two Hebrew men fighting. He tried to break up the fight. But one of them said to him, “Who made you our boss? Are you going to kill me like you killed the Egyptian yesterday?”

Now Moses knew the news of the murder was out! The palace was no longer a safe place for him. He ran for his life. And sure enough when Pharaoh heard of the killing, he ordered Moses killed.

Moses probably lived most of his life with the feeling that God had kept him alive as a baby for a reason. Though he grew up living like an Egyptian prince, he loved the Israelite people and wanted to do something for them. But instead of waiting for God to tell him what to do and when to do it, he tried to help in his own way. That was a big mistake.

PRAYER: Dear God, help me to wait for Your time and do things in Your way. Amen.

MORE: Bible Fugitives

Many other Bible characters also found themselves on the run. Which statements about these Bible runaways are true? Which are false?

1. Jacob ran away because his brother Esau wanted to kill him after he stole Esau’s blessing. (Genesis 27:41-45)

2. Jonah ran away because a whale was chasing him. (Jonah 1:1-3)

3. David ran away because King Saul was jealous of him and had vowed to kill him. (1 Samuel 20:30-34)

4. Joseph and Mary ran away because King Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus. (Matt 2:13-15)

5. The early Christians ran away because they were trying to escape persecution (Acts 8:1)


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Nile Rescue

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 1:22-2:10

TO CHEW ON: “...She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her female slave to get it. She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. ‘This is one of the Hebrew babies,’ she said.” Exodus 2:5,6

Joseph and his brothers eventually died. Their children continued to live in Egypt. Their numbers grew until they were a nation. The Egyptians called them Hebrews or Israelites.

Four hundred years passed. Now a different Pharaoh ruled in Egypt. He was mean. He made the Israelites his slaves. They were forced to work for no pay. Even so, the number of Israelites kept growing.

This made Pharaoh worried. There were too many. What would he do if they decided to rebel and not to obey him any more? So he passed a new law. Every baby boy must be killed at birth.

How terrible! Instead of being happy that a new baby was about to be born, now the mothers were terrified. For it was against the law to let a baby boy live.

We know that at least one family didn’t obey this law. Use the sentence fragments and your Bible (Exodus 2:3-8) to finish the story.

Pharaoh's daughter finds baby Moses - Artist unknown
(click on puzzle to enlarge and print)

In this amazing way God kept Moses alive. He grew up in a safe place—Pharaoh’s palace. And Moses’ own mother got to take care for him for a while.

Maybe you too are alive today when common sense says you should have died. Perhaps as a baby you were sick, or survived a deadly accident. You can know that just like God kept Moses alive to do a special job, He has kept you alive for the job He has just for you.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You that Your plans can’t be spoiled, by cruel laws and evil rulers, accidents or sickness. Amen

MORE: All-purpose Papyrus

- Cyperus Papyrus was a plant that grew in shallow water along the banks of the Nile River.

- It could grow as tall as 5 meters (15 feet) and stems could be as wide as 15 cm. (6 inches).

- People used papyrus to make a lot of things like sandals, mats, baskets, fences, rope, roof material, life jackets and boats. Baby Moses' basket was made of papyrus.

- People also ate some parts of the papyrus plant and used other parts for medicine and fuel.

- Papyrus is best known for being used to make the first paper. In fact the word ‘paper’ comes from the word ‘papyrus.’

Find out more about papyrus here.


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Tears of Joy

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Genesis 46:28-34

TO CHEW ON: "Joseph had his chariot made ready and went to Goshen to meet his father Israel. As soon as Joseph appeared before him, he threw his arms around his father, and wept for a long time." Genesis 46:29

Have you ever been separated from people you love?

Perhaps you spent a week at camp. Or your parents live apart and you get to see one of them only seldom. Or you moved far away from your grandparents.

What feelings do you have when you’re about to meet them again:

nervous, excited, like crying, like laughing, worried, impatient, scared, happy

Painting by James Tissot
I’m sure Joseph was having some of those feelings while he waited for his father to arrive in Egypt. Finally the day arrived. Judah went ahead of the others. He found Joseph and said, “The whole family is here. Where do we go?”

Joseph got in his chariot and rode out to meet his father. What did he do when he saw Israel?
_______________________ (Genesis 46:29).

We usually think of people crying when they are hurt or sad. But people also cry when they are happy. Getting back together with the people we love most, like family, is one time we easily cry tears of joy.

PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for the strong love of family. Amen.

MORE: Crying and Tears

Though people have studied crying and tears a lot, scientists are still not sure exactly what happens when people cry. Here are some things they do know:

1. Babies cry when they’re hungry, uncomfortable, in pain, or for attention.

2. Children and adults cry for lots of other reasons too - like when they’re sad, stressed or happy!

3. Fake crying is called ‘crocodile tears.’ (Why? Probably because sea-water crocodiles often shed tears to remove salt water from their bodies.)

4. Our bodies make three kinds of tears:
i] tears to keep our eyes moist and guard against dust and infection.

ii] reflex tears which come when we peel onions or are in smoke.

iii] emotional tears which we cry when we’re sad or happy. These tears have more protein and hormones in them. (And so some scientists think that crying and tears are our body’s way of getting rid of substances that are caused by stress.)

Can you find more facts about crying and tears?


Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Made Good by God

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Genesis 45:1-15

TO CHEW ON: “And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” Genesis 45:5

After hearing Judah’s offer to take Benjamin’s place, Joseph knew his brothers were changed. Suddenly all the feelings he had been holding inside – the sadness at being hated and sold by his brothers, the fear, the homesickness, the years of being away from his family, the mixed-up feelings he got when he saw his brothers again – needed to come out.

Joseph dismissed his servants, and began to cry. “I am Joseph,” he told his brothers between sobs. “Is my father still living?”

Joseph greeting his brothers - Artist unknown
Joseph greeting his brothers - Artist unknown
His brothers were scared of him. Now Joseph was the powerful one. He could do anything he wanted with them. Would he want revenge?

But he told them, “Don’t worry. God was in everything that happened. You meant to do a bad thing to me, but God made something good out of it. Because I am here in Egypt, our whole family can be saved from the famine.”

We too may have experienced things we don’t understand. People may have hurt us, or left us or treated us badly. We may have gone through loneliness and confusion. We may have wondered, why is this happening? But like Joseph, we too can trust God to make good things out of bad in our lives.

PRAYER: Dear God, help me to trust you with every part of my life, like Joseph did. Amen.

MORE: Puzzling the puzzle

Some things that happen to us may feel like puzzle pieces that don’t fit.

1. What things have happened to you that you don’t understand?

2. What things have happened to you that you didn’t understand once, but now you’re beginning to see how they make sense?

3. What do you think—do we need to understand why things happen to us? Why or why not.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Pass or Fail?

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Genesis 44:1-13, 33-34

TO CHEW ON: “’Now then, please let your servant remain here as my lord’s slave in place of the boy, and let the boy return with his brothers. How can I go back to my father if the boy is not with me? No! Do not let me see the misery that would come on my father.’” (Genesis 44:33,34)

Joseph’s brothers went back to their father with food. They told him about the mean Egyptian prince who said they must bring Benjamin with them next time. But Jacob said he would never let Benjamin go.

Soon the grain was gone and the family was desperate for food again. The brothers begged Jacob to let Benjamin go with them. Finally Benjamin’s older brother Judah promised that if the Egyptian prince threatened any harm to Benjamin, he would take his place.

When the brothers got to Egypt, the prince did a strange thing. He invited them to his home and served them a banquet. He even seated them in order of age from oldest to youngest. Then he gave Benjamin five times more food than everyone else. Finally he sent them on their way with the supplies they needed.

No sooner had they left than Joseph’s Egyptian servant came after them. “My master’s special cup is missing,” he said. “If it’s found in one of your sacks, that person will come back with me and be a slave to my master.”

The cup was found in Benjamin’s sack.

All the brothers went back to Egypt. “Why did you steal my cup?” Joseph asked.

“We don’t know how it got there,” Judah said. Then he told Joseph how important Benjamin was to his father. “ You can’t keep him,” he said. “It would kill my father. I will take his place.”

What do you think—have the brothers changed? Did they pass Joseph’s test?

PRAYER: Dear God, help me to love my brothers, sisters and friends like Judah loved his father and Benjamin. Amen

MORE: Greater Love

Joseph’s brothers were once jealous and hateful. Now Judah was willing to take Benjamin’s punishment, even though Benjamin was treated better than all the others.

Instead of being jealous Judah had learned how to love. Jesus’ words tell us about the kind of love Judah had learned. You might want to memorize them.

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.” (John 15:12,13)

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Testing, testing

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Genesis 42:1-17

TO CHEW ON: “Joseph said to them, ‘It is just as I told you: You are spies! And this is how you will be tested: As surely as Pharaoh lives, you will not leave this place unless your youngest brother comes here.’” (Genesis 42: 14,15)

Joseph was made a ruler in Egypt

The dream Joseph explained to Pharaoh came true. After seven years of good crops the rains stopped and crops were poor. Everyone was hungry. When the people came to Pharaoh for food, he sent them to Joseph.

Joseph had collected food in storehouses during the good years. Now he sold the storehouse food to the hungry people. Soon people from countries all around were coming to Joseph for food too.

One day ten foreign travelers came to Joseph. They looked familiar. Suddenly he knew why. They were his brothers! What thoughts do you think went through Joseph’s mind as he saw his brothers again after all those years?

Joseph’s brothers didn’t recognize him. And he didn’t tell them who he was. “Where are you from?” he asked them roughly. When they told him, he said, “You’re lying. You’re spies.”

“No!” they said. “We’re all sons of one father. Only our youngest brother is with our father in Canaan.”

“You’re spies,” Joseph insisted. He put them in prison. After three few days he let them out and sent them home with food. But he kept one in prison. “He’ll stay here till you come back with your youngest brother.”

In the past these brothers tried to kill Joseph. Now he was testing them. Were they still selfish and mean? Or had they changed?

PRAYER: Dear God, help me to treat others with kindness now, so they won’t have a reason to get even or test me later. Amen.

MORE: All Kinds of Tests

Joseph tested his brothers’ characters by the way he treated them. Our teachers in school test what we know (our knowledge) by giving quizzes and exams. Here is a fun way to test the physical makeup of some things around your house. This test tells you whether a substance is ACID, BASE or NEUTRAL. (Make sure you get adult supervision when you use the stove.)

What you do:

1. Grate the cabbage and measure 2 cups

2. Place cabbage in the saucepan and cover with water.

3. Simmer for 15 minutes and let cool.

4. Strain out the cabbage, saving the liquid.

5. Pour a little of the liquid in each of the six glasses.

6. Stir one of the things to test into each of the glasses and watch the color change.

7. Cabbage soup tester key:
- If the cabbage soup liquid turns PINK - the test material is ACID
- If the cabbage soup liquid turns BLUE - the test material is BASE
- If the cabbage soup liquid stays SAME - the test material is NEUTRAL